Rise from the Rubble, Weather the Winds: Fundraiser and Art Auction for Relief Efforts in México and Puerto Rico
Details: Friday, September 29th, 2017 Chicago Artist Coalition 217 N Carpenter St. Chicago, IL 60607 6-9pm** $2-7 Sliding Scale Entry Fee
“Disaster doesn't sort us out by preferences; it drags us into emergencies that require we act, and act altruistically, bravely, and with initiative in order to survive or save the neighbors...mutual aid and pleasure are linked, that the ties that bind are grounds for celebration as well as obligation.” ― Rebecca Solnit, A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster
Join us this Friday for a one night fundraiser and silent art auction to benefit relief and long term efforts in Mexico and Puerto Rico.
The Chicago Artists Coalition has kindly donated their entire space for this event!
There will be art, music, food, and libations donated by local and international artists, musicians and local businesses. All proceedings will go to relief causes for the recent earthquakes in Mexico and hurricane in Puerto Rico, (specifics of the local grassroots organizations will be given the night of the auction).
There are over 60 participating local and international artists! The silent auction will include installation, sculpture, works on paper and prints. Publications, artist books, custom clothing, and fine good will also be for auction. **Silent auction will close promptly at 9pm!
Serving Buzzbox premium cocktails and beer provided by 5 Rabbit Cerveceria.
If you are an artist or local business and would like to donate work, or goods and refreshments please email ASAP for more details to: erojas@saic.edu